Adobe has made it clear they are only interested in offering digital publishing software to the big dogs. mag+ loves all dogs (little ones, medium ones, and the big ones!) So if you’re looking for the best alternative to Adobe DPS, the mag+ Designd tool is just what you need.
Here are 10 reasons why (Do not forget reason #6 – it’s a homerun!):
1. Familiarity and rich interactivity. mag+ Designd is an InDesign-based tool that has a similar workflow to DPS. Many professional designers think it’s even more intuitive, efficient and easier to use.
2. Keep existing users. When you migrate from a DPS app to a mag+ Designd app, your users won’t notice a thing. Well, maybe just a bit of interface restyling. It is simply a matter of submitting the mag+ Designd-based app as an update of the DPS app and converting back-issues if desired. In-app purchases and subscriptions can be moved over transparently, so you don’t risk losing even a single user.
3. Keep existing features. Our celebrated digital publishing software covers every part of the publishing process. We also support the majority of DPS overlay features, so the Slideshow, Pan & Zoom, Scrollable Frames, Video, and Web Content features will all work as originally expected. You can even add some new features such as overlay navigation or disable swipe to create a touch-based only app.
4. We love the small names but big names also trust us. The very first iPad magazine Steve Jobs showed off was created with mag+. Today we continue to serve many international organizations such as Volvo, the United Nations, Siemens, Maserati, and New York Magazine who used our tool to create an app that combines weekly magazine content with daily website content in an innovative way.
5. We will answer your questions. We have people behind our brand. Real people who are accessible, eager to give support and answer all your Q’s within 48hrs.
6. We’ll convert your issues, free of charge. Switch to mag+ and we will convert your existing DPS overlays to mag+ Designd formats for you for FREE. Not just one issue, we’ll convert up to 15 issues within a 12 month period free of charge.
7. Yes, we’ll handle app building and submission too. You’ve got a long enough to-do list. mag+ will take care of the app build process and submission of the app to Apple and Google Play. Yes – also free of charge!
8. No download fees. Most publishing solutions earn the lion’s share of their income from download fees. These fees can vary wildly and are unpredictable. mag+ includes 1TB for free or you can choose to use your own Amazon S3 account.
9. We’ll help convert your back issues. Of course we can help you take care of the conversion of back-issues. No problem.
10. DIY with our DPS converter tool. You can easily use our free DPS Import script which allows conversion of DPS overlays to mag+ Designd formats. It’s easy as pie. Try it today!