Is your content marketing plan for your business on auto-pilot right now? Just humming along without you putting much thought into it? Turning the page on the calendar is a great time to review where you are against where you want to be, and make sure autopilot is indeed taking you where you want to go.
We offer these simple tips to get you thinking about your current content marketing and how to adjust it to serve your business even better in the New Year.
- Review Your Goals. Do you still have the same business goals as you did when you made your content plan initially? Maybe your product focus has shifted or your customer base has changed. If so, your content strategy probably needs to change, too.
- Recheck Your Keywords. How are you ranking for the content you’re trying to rank for? Have you gained any ground? Are there new words you should focus on or keywords it makes sense to drop?
- Review Your Metrics. Check the stats for your blog posts and social media content. What were your most popular posts and can you create more on that same theme? Analyze what posts were totally flops and stop spending time on stuff that doesn’t work.
- Examine Your Social Channel Choices. The social media landscape shifts quickly. Are your target customers still on the same channels as your business? Or have they moved from Instagram to Snapchat, for example? If you’re not getting traction on a specific channel, it may be time to test out a new one.

- Survey your customers. It never hurts to ask! Your audience will tell you what type of content they’d like to see more of. Poll or survey your audience, or even ask them to send you an email, some people jump at the chance to provide unstructured feedback.
- Look at your competitors. How do your efforts stack up to the competition? A quick glance at their strategies and workflow will give you a sense of how engaged their audience is compared with yours.
- Tweak your strategy. Now that you’ve got data, decide how you’ll act on it. Write up a simple report outlining what you’re going to do differently and why. It will come in very handy when you repeat this exercise next year!

We at mag+ wish you and your business every success in the New Year!